About Me

Born under the vibrant South African sun, but since 1998, settled in the brisk breezes of the U.K, I’ve journeyed from one rich landscape to another, both literally and creatively. For the longest time, I hesitated to share my art, my writing and my poetry, plagued by the classic artist’s doubt: “Is my work good enough?”

A few heartening thumbs-ups on Facebook for my shared composite art creations turned the tide for me, sparking a renewal of my creative spirit. These weren’t just “Likes”; they were beacons of encouragement, guiding me to explore the burgeoning world of AI art. Since 2022, I’ve immersed myself in this revolutionary and ever expanding field, combining the use of tools like MidJourney, Topaz AI, and, of course, the magics of Photoshop and Affinity Photo, among others.

Here, you’ll find a collection of work where technology meets imagination—each piece a composite of the conventional and the cutting-edge. I’m here to share my journey, blending pixels and poetry, hoping it resonates with you. Maybe it’ll even coax a smile or inspire a thought. Dive in and enjoy!  You could even reach out at say hello if you want!

Let’s make something amazing together

8 + 7 =


Manchester, UK


info @ murrayhc.com